Pettee Memorial Library - SVDV Chamber of Commerce

Pettee Memorial Library

Pettee Memorial Library

PML is a public library which offers a recreational reading collection, literary fiction, audio books, DVD’s and a fine children’s collection.
It offers a special summer reading program for children as well as numerous programs throughout the year for children and adults.

The library has 5 public computers (no charge; first come, first served, 30 minute limit)
It also offers wireless service (no charge; open to all during library hours).

Library services are free to permanent residents and/or local taxpayers. Temporary residents may join the library for a fee of $10. per season.

Professional Staff:

Library Director: Allison Maynard

Assistant Librarian: Jennifer Razee

Youth Librarian: Angela Yakovleff

Hours of Operation

Sunday: 12-2

Monday: 10-4

Tuesday: 10-4

Wednesday: 10-4

Thursday: 10-4

Friday: 12-6

Saturday: 10-4

SVDV Chamber of Commerce